Welcome Message
Welcome to The Lighthouse Federation website.
I hope the that by browsing through our site, you will understand what the federation is about and our core beliefs in collaboration and support.
We are a group of schools, working together to support, guide and inspire our children through their educational journey.
Our staff across all schools work collaboratively to provide strength to each other and ensure we are working to the best of our ability for all children.
Through this unique school to school support and collaboration between our staff, we are able to provide high quality professional development and ensure all staff are equipped to succeed.
Each of our schools retains their unique identity, and we share this uniqueness across all settings.
Our central team works hard across all schools, creating links and forming collaborations between all staff and facilitating interschool competitions that embody our ethos.
Please take some time to look through the website and get more information about our beliefs and vision.
If you are considering joining a federation or would like more information about The Lighthouse Federation, then please do get in touch via the contact details.
Kindest Regards
Paul Drew
Chief Operating Officer
The Lighthouse Federation